Bible Study Groups

Bible study Groups are paramount for the growth of every Christian; they are where individuals can discover the love of Christ through his Word and the fellowship of his saints.
Whether you’re in Paris for the short or long-term, we’ll be happy to help you find a group that fits your schedule and location. 
To learn more about groups or to find one to join, please email us at, or come to one of our people on a Sunday.

English Bible Study


This is our main english Bible study group. The perfect place to experience Christ together in studying Scripture, sharing moments, and growing in faith together.

We meet on every Wednesday at 7:30pm at Genesis.

Group leader: Paco

Men's Group


All men of all ages are welcome to this weekly Bible study. This is a safe place to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord among other gentlemen.

We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm at Genesis.

Group leader: Nick

Ladies Group

🇬🇧 🇫🇷

All women of all ages are welcome to this weekly Bible study This is a safe place to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord among other ladies.

We meet every Thursday’s evening at 7:30pm at Genesis.

Group leader: Sarah

Pierres Vivantes


Cette étude est le contexte idéal pour les nouveaux baptisés ou ceux qui commenceraient à  répondre à  l’appel de Christ dans leur vie ainsi que pour tout disciple de Jésus qui souhaite continuer de progresser dans sa marche avec le Seigneur.

L’étude a lieu le Lundi à  19h à Genesis.

Group leader: Paco

Chinese Bible Study (中文)

An open Bible with Chinese text, placed on a table with yellow flowers and a coffee mug.

Our Chinese fellowship groups meets to study Scripture & pray each Sunday at 2pm @ 58 rue Madame, Paris.

All our groups meet at Genesis (15 rue des Lavandières Ste Opportune, Paris 1).