Please prayerfully consider supporting Trinity International Church financially so that we can more fully impact
the city of Paris for the glory of Jesus Christ. 

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows with blessing will also reap with blessing. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor.9:6-7) 

To give in euros

  • Cash – offering is collected weekly, but no tax receipts will be given
  • By check – can be made payable to Trinity International Church of Paris
  • Bank transfer – (one-time or recurring) can be made by contacting us at We will provide you will all the bank infos (RIB, IBAN, BIC)  
  • Via Allo Asso – click here! 


French tax deduction

Trinity provides tax receipts for donations made by cheque or bank transfer. If you pay income taxes in France (impot sur le revenu), your donations to Trinity are deductible. That means for every 100 euros given to Trinity, you receive 66 euros back in the form of a tax refund. Learn More

To give in US Dollars

Trinity’s secure donation page allows you to quickly set up your recurring or one-time donation made in US$.


How it works

Donations through our partner Impact France are wired directly into Trinity’s bank account in France, the same account where all euro donations are received. Impact France holds back only to invest in their mission of enabling financial support of ministries in France, and to cover transaction/credit card fees, accounting and all other administrative functions such as tax-receipt reporting. As a 501(c)(3) US-based public charity, donations are fully tax-deductible in the US, and you will receive a tax receipt at the address you provide.